Assembling Counterpower

In the Netherlands the word ‘counterpower’ (nl. tegenmacht) was uttered by politicians in parliament, but which components of the society constitute true extra-parliamentary counterpower? And how do we ally art-activist organizations, social movements and solidarity networks to ensure ecological, intersectional, anti-colonial and anti-capitalist futures for all of us? During a time when the neoliberal structures of governance are undermining the notion of life with dignity and the right to assembly is coming under constant pressure in the Dutch landscape, the vitality of solidarity networks comprising a front of counter-power, becomes visible and urgent.

The programme True Counterpower contained a series of workshop days that took place on March 27, June 19 in 2023, November 6 and February 19 in 2024 and closed with a larger gathering on June 8th 2024 at the Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven. In each gathering activist organizations and participants collectively explored the ideas and organizations comprising the body of True Counterpower in the Netherlands today with the aim of creating a platform for exchange, building of revolutionary friendships and the sharing of convivial tools of resistance. The struggle towards an anti-fascist, anti-colonial, anticapitalist, ecological and intersectional future is calling us all to create networks of resistance. True Counterpower is based on the belief that a united yet undeniably complex and diverse network of organizations can operate as a robust front of counterpower striving towards political, social and cultural transformation.

Assembling Counterpower was hosted at the Museum As Parliament, The People’s Parliament of Rojava at the Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven, focusing on the stateless democracy of the Rojava Revolution (northern Syria).

Waren Tegenmacht / True Counterpower

a platform for exchange, building revolutionary friendships and sharing convivial tools of resistance.  
